Today’s Top Data Stories
Global Markets
nikkei index rises 1.99% amid U.S.-China export control developments
The index now stands at $39.3k, reflecting a weekly increase of 2.79%, as market adjustments coincide with expanded U.S. export restrictions on Chinese tech firms.
+2% D
+2.8% W
+2.9% M
+18.1% Y
U.S. energy output decreases by 5.4% in one month
Energy output decreases to 409,000 MWh, industry faces production challenges.
U.S. total energy output (MWh)
-8.9% D
+7.2% W
-5.4% M
-11.1% Y
Inflation Watch
CPI nowcast indicates weekly and monthly increase
CPI nowcast rose by 0.39% over the week and 0.42% over the month to 317.508, inflation concerns continue.
CPI Nowcast
-0% D
+0.4% W
+0.4% M
– Y